Windows Registry

How to disable a Windows registry key without deleting it

After selecting a Registry key or value, one can click the File menu and then click the Export button to backup the xaudio2_9redist.dll selected key or value. The backup file of Registry is saved with .REG extension, and you can double-click on the .REG file to restore the information back into the Registry. Older versions of Windows use the%WINDIR%folder to store registry data asDATfiles. Windows 3.11 uses only one registry file for the entire Windows Registry, calledREG.DAT. When Windows was initially released (e.g., Windows 3.11), it relied heavily on .ini files to store Windows and Windows programs configurations and settings. Although .ini files are still sometimes used, most Windows programs rely on settings made to the Windows registry after being installed. Windows 2000 and later v

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